There is a power in this world that watches over us. It doesn’t scream, it doesn’t battle, and it never is in our face, loud, shrieking, calling for attention. Instead, it quietly sits and waits for us to change our minds, to remember its presence, and to reconnect with it. What do we call it? God? Spirit? The Source? The Ancestors? Mother Earth? It?
Ever present, quietly watchful, infinitely patient, It knows where all roads end. You can enjoy the sun, but when you discover It, it is as if ten thousand suns are shining down on you. You can seek answers to your problems in all sorts of places in the world, but when you reconnect with It, it is as if you are the Answer to life yourself.
Whichever name you choose to use, It always answers. “Seek, and you shall find,” It whispers silently in our dreams. Are you seeking It? Connecting with It?
For those of you, my friends, who have heard the Call but are lingering in doubt, rest assured the path is as good as promised. The suffering diminishes, the joy returns, and everything comes more easily. Give it a try, one step at a time, so that you regain your trust and finally wake up to your powers!
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