“I am the way, the truth, and the life,” promises Jesus of the Christian Bible.
How do you understand this statement? As an exclusion of everything else but what He purportedly instructed? Or, as a promise and reassurance that no matter which turn of the road we take, He would meet us where we are?
As this echoes the words of another Exalted One, who also promised whichever path we take, He would meet us there, I’m having difficulty keeping the great spiritual symbols of our collective inheritance separate in my heart. The more I walk in this world, the more they merge into one grand symbol of all-inclusive love, compassion, and the unwavering assurance that we are not alone, no matter what we think or feel about ourselves.
May our path shorten a bit today, become a little brighter, less fearful, through the remembrance that painful and desolate need not be the way when we accept the truth of who we are and Who walks with us.
Whatever wish men bring me in worship,
Bhagavad Gita, tr. by Swami Prabhavananda
That wish I grant them.
Whatever path men travel
Is my path:
No matter where they walk
It leads to me.
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